<TEI ...> ... <specGrp xml:id="specgroup-core"> <moduleRef key="tei"/><!-- required --> <moduleRef key="core"/> <!--* abbr address analytic author bibl biblScope biblStruct * corr date distinct editor foreign gap gloss head * hi imprint item l label lb lg list measure mentioned * monogr name note num orig p pb ptr pubPlace publisher * q quote ref reg respStmt sp speaker stage term time title *--> <p>Delete unneeded elements.</p> <specGrpRef target="#specgroup-core-deletions"/> <p>Rename some elements.</p> <specGrpRef target="#specgroup-core-renamings"/> </specGrp> ... </TEI>
<elementSpec ident="add" module="core" mode="delete"/> <elementSpec ident="addrLine" module="core" mode="delete"/> <elementSpec ident="binaryObject" module="core" mode="delete"/> <elementSpec ident="cb" module="core" mode="delete"/> <elementSpec ident="choice" module="core" mode="delete"/>
<dtd> <desc>This document (<code>2011/blackmesatech/IDS/interim/ids_xces_onefile.v3.xml</code>) is an XML representation of <code>2011/blackmesatech/IDS/interim/onefile.dtd</code> made by dtdxml.pl on <date value="2011-09-11">2011-09-11</date></desc> <elemdecl gi="gloss"> <star> <or> <elem>#pcdata</elem> <or> <elem>abbr</elem> <or> <elem>date</elem> <or> <elem>num</elem> <or> <elem>dateRange</elem> <or> <elem>numRange</elem> <or> <elem>timeRange</elem> <or> <elem>measure</elem> <or> <elem>name</elem> <or> <elem>term</elem> <or> <elem>time</elem> <or> <elem>w</elem> <or> <elem>corr</elem> <or> <elem>distinct</elem> <or> <elem>foreign</elem> <or> <elem>gap</elem> <or> <elem>hi</elem> <or> <elem>list</elem> <or> <elem>mentioned</elem> <or> <elem>orig</elem> <or> <elem>q</elem> <or> <elem>ref</elem> <or> <elem>reg</elem> <or> <elem>s</elem> <or> <elem>stage</elem> <or> <elem>title</elem> <or> <elem>table</elem> <elem>xref</elem> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </or> </star> </elemdecl> <attlist gi="gloss"> <att> <name>id</name> <type>id</type> <dft> <implied/> </dft> </att> <att> <name>n</name> <type>cdata</type> <dft> <implied/> </dft> </att> <att> <name>xml:lang</name> <type>cdata</type> <dft> <implied/> </dft> </att> <att> <name>lang</name> <type>idref</type> <dft> <implied/> </dft> </att> <att> <name>target</name> <type>idref</type> <dft> <implied/> </dft> </att> </attlist>
(: find the IDS elements that appear in the TEI Guidelines :) declare namespace TEI = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"; declare variable $dir.TEI := "file:/home/TEI"; declare variable $dir.IDS := "file:/Users/cmsmcq/2011/blackmesatech/IDS"; declare variable $P5 := doc( concat($dir.TEI, "/P5/Source/Guidelines/en/guidelines-en.xml" )); declare variable $ids-xces := doc( concat($dir.IDS, '/interim/ids_xces_onefile.v3.xml' )); <elements>{ for $e in $ids-xces/dtd/elemdecl let $gi := string($e/@gi), $elemspec := $P5//TEI:elementSpec [@ident = $gi] where $elemspec order by $gi return <e gi="{$gi}" module="{$elemspec/@module}"/> }</elements>
(: ... :) return <elementSpec module="{$module}" ident="{$teigi}" mode="change"> <altIdent>{$idsgi}</altIdent> </elementSpec> (: ... :)