They flee from me that sometime did me seek
With naked foot, stalking in my chamber
Text is a stream.
Text as stream
But then we also have (Egerton MS)
They fle from me that sometyme did me seke
With naked fote stalking in my chamber
and (Tottel)
They flee from me, that somtime did me seke
With naked fote stalkyng within my chamber
Hmm ...
An echo
’49 Wyatt, 01549 Wyatt.
Coming sergeant.
Pick ’em up, pick ’em up — I’ll stalk within yer chamber.
David Jones, In Parenthesis, 1-6.
Text as stream (2)
How about ...
Text is a stream with multiple braided channels.
Cf. the Rhine Delta.
Methods of representing variation
simple-minded diff
double end-point attachment
parallel segmentation
Rhine delta representation
scribal act markup
Simple-minded diff / change markup
Some non-TEI vocabularies keep it very simple.
For example, a standard xmlspec idiom:
Some applications
<phrase diff="del">may</phrase
><phrase diff="add">will</phrase>
require constraint capabilities not expressible in this
language, and so
<phrase diff="del">may</phrase
><phrase diff="add">will</phrase>
need to perform their own additional
diff = (del | add | chg),
appears on any element.
Simple-minded change markup (2)
An additional attribute can say when the change was made:
Some applications
<phrase diff="del" dg="may">may</phrase
><phrase diff="add" dg="may">will</phrase>
require constraint capabilities not expressible in this
language, and so
<phrase diff="del" dg="may">may</phrase
><phrase diff="add" dg="may">will</phrase>
need to perform their own additional
Allows multiple change-marked renderings:
between 1.0 and now
between last public draft and now
between status-quo text and change proposal
But weak.*
TEI analogues of simple two-level change markup
Cf. TEI <reg>, <orig>, <add>,
<del>. E.g. Tottel's changes vis-a-vis the Egerton MS:
<l>With naked
<reg orig='fote'>foot</reg><add>,</add>
my <reg orig="chambre">chamber</reg>.
But what about stalking/stalkyng?
Location-references apparatus
A simple TEI method for transcribing existing apparatus.
Part 1: base text:
<l n="n1">They fle from me that sometyme did me seke</l>
<l n="n2">With naked fote stalking in my chambre.</l>
<l n="n3">I have sene them gentill tame and meke</l>
<l n="n4">That nowe are wyld and do not remember</l>
<l n="n5">That sometyme they put theimself in daunger</l>
<l n="n6">To take bred at my hand; and nowe they raunge,</l>
<l n="n7">Besely seking with a continuell chaunge.</l>
Location-references apparatus (2)
Part 2: apparatus:
<app loc="37.1">
<rdg wit="#D">boeth gentill</rdg>
<app loc="37.7">
<lem>seking with a</lem>
<rdg wit="#D">seking</rdg>
<app loc="37.9">
<rdg wit="#D">especiall</rdg>
<app loc="37.21">
<rdg wit="#D">What think you bye this that she hat deserued.</rdg>
A way out for retro-conversion.
Not suitable for new projects.
Double endpoint attachment
Marks the location more explicitly.
Part 1: base text:
<l n="w37.1">They fle from me that sometyme did me seke</l>
<l n="w37.2">With naked fote stalking in my chambre.</l>
<l n="w37.3">I have sene them
<anchor xml:id="w37.3a"/> gentill <anchor xml:id="w37.3b"/>
tame and meke</l>
<l n="w37.4">That nowe are wyld and do not remember</l>
<l n="w37.5">That sometyme they put theimself in daunger</l>
<l n="w37.6">To take bred at my hand; and nowe they raunge,</l>
<l n="w37.7">Besely <anchor xml:id="w37.7a"/>seking with a
<anchor xml:id="w37.7b"/> continuell chaunge.</l>